Game Info
Conway's Game of Life is not a game that's playable per-se, but more of a mathematical game. An example of a cellular automaton, it is sort of a simple simulation of the life of cells over time. It consists of a grid of cells that can be alive or dead. The cells are set up in an initial pattern, called the seed. Time is then incremented through a series of generations or ticks. Specific rules define what happens to each cell based on its neighbors at each tick. Neighbors are directly adjacent in eight directions. The rules:
- Alive cells with less than two neighbors die of under-population
- Alive cells with more than three neighbors die of over-population
- Dead cells with three neighbors become alive, replaced by reproduction
- Other cells remain as they were
Various patterns can appear on the grid. These are studied, and even given names, like glider, block, and beacon. They can be grouped into categories, such as:
- still lifes: non-moving
- oscillators: move in place
- spaceships: travel across the grid
The game makes for a good simple programming exercise. As such, it is used for Code Retreat, an annual day-long event of programming practice. It helps develop or hone skills, particularly focusing on software development and design fundamentals, modularity, and object-orientation.